A new industrial tensile structure for the Bemol Group
Home » A new industrial tensile structure for the Bemol Group
In Brazil, Kopron creates a new logistic warehouse in just a fortnight
Bemol is an important brand leader in several segments of the Brazilian market: consumer electronics, automotive, pharmaceutical, furniture, home furnishes and a lot more. It has become one of the most popular stores in Manaus. The Group, established in 1942, currently has 21 stores and 3 distribution centres in Manaus.
In order to expand the logistic storage centre in Manaus, the Customer has chosen an industrial tensile structure by Kopron. A warehouse of 1,200 sq. m. (40 wide x 30 long x 6 metres high) with two entrance doors of 5×6 metres. The Kopron industrial structure has been chosen thanks to its consolidated production quality and fast installation. In just 15 days an area of the company that was free and unused has been built up with an industrial tensile structure for warehouse purposes. The Plant Manager has chosen to expand the production and storage areas in total safety and in a very fast period of time, with the guarantee of a highly flexible product.
The Brazilian market in the field of industrial tensile structures: hire or sale
To date Kopron do Brasil has 150 employees and constantly increasing turnover (+22% turnover 2018/2019). In this context, one of the international economies that is growing more than any other, the Kopron structure has found fertile ground. Just like the Italian market, the offer is divided into structures that can be purchased or medium to long term hire. All of the tensile structures in PVC are produced by an efficient local production plant that examines requests and creates the products in line with requirements. Observance of construction related norms and structural static are based on the specific location of an installation. This is why the tensile structures are designed with practically inexistent wind charges and snow loads. Aesthetically and structurally, the tensile structures are much lighter. The dimensions and light areas that they can cover are normally much larger. The industrial tensile structures produced in Brazil always have a hot galvanised steel structure and are covered with resistant PVC. In order to distinguish the design of the product the PVC cover is assembled by creating a stripy coloured effect. This model of the Brazilian structure is called “Tropicalized”, because it has been proportioned according to the Brazilian market.
Every structure is designed by the local engineering department in compliance with Brazilian norms regarding constructions and structural calculations. The tensile structures designed and developed for the market are modular and can be easily repositioned in other situations. All of the PVC covers produced can be easily dismantled, fractioned, expanded and reassembled in a short period of time and at a very low cost. For all of these reasons, the Kopron structure is a successful product for all Brazilian companies with a desire to expand quickly.