Kopron insulated roller shutter doors in the futuristic Sirius Project

Published on 11 March 2019
Modified on 28 March 2023
portoni industriali scorrimento rapido brasil

Kopron do Brasil has completed another successful form of collaboration by supplying 10 insulated roller shutter doors, from the Fast Wall range, to the new Sirius Project in Campinas, a city in the State of San Paolo.

Within the important and contemporary structure, a high quality and functional product was a must. Accompanying the modern nature of the project, this objective by Kopron that, thanks to its unique design, has perfectly combined its industrial doors with the sinuous nature of the structure.

The fast roller shutter doors by Kopron have been specifically designed to adapt to any context. Thermal and acoustic insulation have truly made the difference with the choice of the Kopron Fast Wall. In this way, a perfect standard of internal as well as external insulation is provided together with total protection of the building premises.

Much easier and safer: the Kopron industrial doors in detail

The Fast Wall insulated roller shutter doors are made from galvanised sheet steel with a CFC free polyurethane foam padding, with a thickness of 15mm from the door panel. Available in a standard grey colour, the doors can also be painted in different colours according to Customer requirements, guaranteeing greater customisation with the company identity.

For internal and external use, the roller door guarantees 6 opening cycles per hour, with a working speed of 0.12 m/s and an operating temperature ranging from 5°C up to 60°C.

For the Sirius futuristic project, 10 Fast Wall doors have been installed with a wind resistance level of more than 100km/hour, with thermal insulation as well as acoustic and sound protection. Furthermore, in the event of electrical failure, the insulated roller shutter doors allow the operator to activate a manual emergency procedure using chains and fitted with a UPS system.

Apart from products for logistics,, Kopron do Brasil offers a prior maintenance service that keeps the industrial closures installed in perfect working conditions and in compliance with all safety norms.


Sirius Project: the largest research laboratory in Brazil

Launched at the end of 2018, the Sirius Project is the largest and most complex scientific infrastructure ever to be built in Brazil with approximately 68 thousand square metres.

The Customer has expressed his total satisfaction for the Kopron logistic solutions, lead times and the turn-key service offered by our team of experts.

The project consists in an accelerator of particles, a piece of equipment whose main objective is to generate synchrotron light. Luminosity allows for the development of various forms of organic and inorganic materials such as proteins, viruses and metal alloys. Due to this variety, it is estimated that the general research developed will benefit various economic sectors, from agriculture to the extraction of petrol, from the environment to health and so on.

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