SANA and CERSAIE, two important events hosted under a 3.000 sqm modular tent for events made by Kopron
Home » SANA and CERSAIE, two important events hosted under a 3.000 sqm modular tent for events made by Kopron
After the success of Biodiversity Park at EXPO, Kopron with Bologna Fiere have again cooperated together for SANA E CERSAIE.

After the success of Biodiversity Park at EXPO, Kopron with Bologna Fiere have again cooperated together for SANA E CERSAIE. SANA, the International exhibition of organic a and natural products, which has just took place in Bologna, used a Kopron tent to host their exhibition dedicated to organic food and other ‘green’ topics.
CERSAIE, the International Exhibition of Ceramic, will continue using the structure duly transformed into laboratory.
In these days, Bologna hosted the greatest Italian exhibition dedicated to the world of natural and organic. An important part of the exhibition was set up under a tent made by Kopron, chosen by Customer because very easy to install, resistant and versatile.
“After the fortunate experience at Expo, our cooperation with Bologna Fiere is carrying on with a new ‘turnkey’ project, from design to installation – said Mario Vergani, Kopron CEO – We are technical partners and offer advice and solutions. Our efficient project management within scheduled time, costs and energy performance, is able to offer high standard cooperation with great enterprises either here in Italy or abroad’ .
The carrying structure is made in steel, with sandwich panels on the sides, for excellent thermo-acoustic insulation. The white PVC fabric is anti-tear and self-extinguishing.
This kind of covering was chosen to avoid temperature dispersion and to save energy.
The total area covered is 2.250 m2. . The versatility of the structure was proven by the fact that customer needed to shorten it quickly to be used again for the CERSAIE exhibition (the international ceramic exhibition which will be held from 28th September to 2nd October promoted by ‘Confindustria Ceramica’). The tent was reduced to 750 m2.
The tent had eight pedestrian doors with safety handles produced at the Kopron Molfetta plant near Bari, the floor was in wood.
“Likewise the arch structures produced for the Biodiversity Park at Expo 2015, we made another great structure to emphasize the theme of the exhibition- said Paolo Vergani, Kopron Chairman- ‘green’ sensibility and environment sustainability is evident in all our installations made with materials which can be recycled, this to convey the idea of ecology which was in perfect harmony with the spirit of the exhibition”.
The tent is connected to the building of ‘Bologna Fiere’ by means of a 15x10mt tunnel also made by Kopron which hosts the offices for the events.
SANA exhibition 2015 took place in collaboration with FederBio, Biodynamic and Biological Agriculture Italian federation, and with the patronage of Ministery of Economic Development and other local institutions.