Field entry tunnel
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Kopron offre attrezzature sportive, coperture sportive e sistemi speciali per lo sport, inclusi i tunnel di ingresso al campo da gioco.
Retractable entrance tunnels to the playing field
The extensive production of Kopron brand sports facilities also includes entrance tunnels to the playing fields, which the company designs and manufactures with particular attention to the aspect of technical quality, robustness and long duration over time.
The retractable court entrance tunnel is often used in stadiums as the players’ entrance tunnel. The patented Kopron tunnel has the characteristic of expanding and the possibility of compressing both horizontally and vertically, thanks to a series of transmissions exercised by pantographs and belts with very high resistance that make the structure rise when it is extended and lower when it is compacted.
The field entrance tunnel designed by Kopron is successfully installed inside the Stadio Meazza in Milan, where it is used to protect the players’ entrance onto the field during the course that goes from the changing rooms to the playing field.
The field entrance tunnel’s cover is easily interchangeable, guaranteeing the advertising independence of the different teams that can play inside the stadium.
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